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Default 06-05-2005, 05:51 PM

I saw it in sign language, I was wtf'ing during the whole movie.

One of the points of the movie is that some guy changed the molecular structure of water by tapeing little pieces of paper to a water bottle with things like "I love you" and "I hate you".

And another of their things is that they got 4000 people to meditate in Washingington DC and because they were meditating the crime rate went down 25%

I didn't believe any of it, one of their qualified narrators during the whole thing is a girl named Ramtha, who changed her name after she said she was channeling the spirit of a female from Atlantis. When someone else said they were channeling Ramtha also she sued the new channeler and now has Exclusive Rights to channel Ramtha. If that makes any sense.

It was a good movie to get me out of a couple periods of class, but it's really just science fiction.
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