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Quick Techie Question..
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Default Quick Techie Question.. - 06-05-2005, 10:17 PM

This isnt the best place to ask, but I'll do it anyways....

...Im gonna be upgrading my video card pretty soon, (or atleast saving up enough money for one - I probably wont have enough 'till late August) to play the latest and greatest like CoD 2 and all that stuff. The thing is, while my PC isnt incredibly old, it's old enough, as I've only got a PCI card slot, not Express.

Heres what I have currently:

Intel Celeron 2.70GHz
512MB Ram
40 GB H.D.
GeForce FX 5200 128MB
Windows XP Home

Im thinking about these:

Cheap, $66 bucks is a great deal, but who's "APPOLLO BLOODY MONSTER" ? ... Video+Card
It's an older card, but 256MB, and a little more reliable company (Sapphire, not ATI - though I like ATI a lot, when I had a Radeon 9000) ... 6814102533
Another FX 5700, and more expensive, but a different nobody company ... 6814139166
Then theres PNY, the most reliable company of all, as my current card is from them, but its a 5500 (I really dont know the difference, as I dont benchmark or any of that stuff - if it helps me play games at an even higher setting, than its good enough for me..I've got no clue what all this FPS mumbo jumbo means, nor do I care) ... 6814133134

So, whaddaya guy's think is the best deal?
Think you can find any better ones? I kinda like ATI more..
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