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the nastiest moment brought upon you by others
harpua is Offline
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Default the nastiest moment brought upon you by others - 06-06-2005, 10:14 PM

just like the title. whats the nastiest thing that you have heard, seen or had done to you IN PERSON. and keep it semi clean lol.

i mean up until tonight nothing SO nasty has happened to me that i had to make a thread to reassure myself that it was not the devil. but mine is this:

'its my parent's 3298742th anniversary, and they had dinner out i got to stay home with my games and the TV..gotta keep guard over them. anyway, it was cool an all until they came home. they were all romantic an shit, i mean i know its their anniversary and all, but this was over the brim. anyway, while i was emptying the dishwasher out they run upstair. yeah, you guessed it. so here i sit, scared and blasting music. now i finally have somethign to share when someone askes me whats the nastiest thing you have heard.'
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