06-07-2005, 07:54 AM
I can not eat pickles anymore.
-I was working hard on a pickle display at work, moving shuffling threw the workload, then I smelled something..... It was rancid..... The very smell made you dry gag without control.... It was a what we call in grocery "a lousy", the basics of it are a loose pickle Jar and what flies and other bugs like to do in it. Thec lay their eggs, etc maggots hatch, other bugs lay inside as well, the case of pickles becomes covered in insects, from milipedes, to earwigs. I opened the case and the first thing I felt as I reached in was a handful of the most disgusting bugs to be imagined. I instantly had the shrives and shook all the bugs off. I got one of the guys who work under me to clean it up. The smell was horrible.
-Hmm.......I was in a bad acident as a Kid, our van flipped over while trying to avoid the pileup on the highway, I got out of the van afterwards (we were un hurt) and I saw a really mangled body in a smashedu p bodyu in the ford tembo ahead of us...... I didn't realy realise the fullness of it at that age...
-My father passed out on the 401 while drivng me, my lil sis and brother. We went across 5 lanes of traffic, and by some miracle we didnt hit any other cars, then smashed into the center median. I was mortified, i picked up his clunky motorolla cell and started phoning the 911, while my borther and sister were pissing themselves in the back, they had no idea of what was really going on. I blacked out and the next thing I knew was that I was playing my game boy at the nearby hospital.
There is a lot more fucked up shit, but it is stuff I don't really wanna share on gf1.com. ed: