06-08-2005, 11:57 AM
Well at the time we had no concept of centripital force as a pyshics concept, only that if you spun a tire swing really fast, then held onto the chains it made for a sweet ride. You had to be sure to tuck your legs in though otherwise, as one guy found out, you'd break both your legs. As i stood there and watch this kid do a 180 in mid air after his legs cracked into the support pole, literally, cracked. The sound was sharp and somewhat hollow sound. Watching him scream and cry on the ground "i cant move my legs" over and over. All while just at recess in school, teachers were not pleased to find out what we'd been up to. Though up to that point they mosly ignored us.
Theres a story that involves a kids jaw basically dangling from his face supported only by skin with blood pouring everywhere. I prefer not to fill in the details on that one considering its unflattering nature.
We used to play roller hockey on one of my friends back streets, a small group of friends that just seemed to continue to grow. Every now and again we'd feel friskey and allow checking along the curbs, since just beyond those curbs was grass. However if someone was chasing a puck on the lawn you were supposed to leave em alone to get the puck. Well one dip shit didnt listen. As i was on a lawn retreiving the puck i was suddenly cross checked from behind, as i fell i twisted around, mostly since roller blades on grass are pretty unstable. As i spun and fell my stick was still in hand flailing as i tried to balence myself which was hopeless. So my stick swung around surprizinly quickly and struck that kid in the back of his head, since he had turned back towards the street. Now real hockey sticks are made of fiberglass, and since we all played in leagues, we used real ones. Well using fiberglass on the street they had a tendency to wear rather quickly and be fairly sharp. So i for the most part scalped the guy leaving a "flap" of scalp about the size of a grown mans palm. Stiches, staples, and a bitchen 3/4 circle scar on the back of his head for being a twat.
Add in a my 3 broken noses from hockey. I dont know how many people have ever broken there nose, so lets just say, the blood doesnt stop flowing for an excessivly long time. Right when it happens you can sort of feel your nose become "clear" and you can breathe through it better than ever before. A split second later its a blood fountain. It also comes standard with two black eyes from all the internal bleeding caused by basically ripping your nose off your face. Since your nose is cartiledge attached to a small bit of bone.
I wont go into the bloody messes that were the MANY bycicle accidents i've endured, or seen accure. Lets just say bones protruding through skin looks odd, and is really gross.
Then the guy who tried to "free style walk" the metal counter tops in my high school metals class. He slid really well since his shoes had plastic portions on the bottom. However his balence sucked and he fell backwards. Using his hands to catch himself on a table behind him, that was the table for sheet metal storage. Basically he caught himself, but at the cost of slicing open his 4 main fingers damn near to the bone. As he went to the sink to rinse it out, i went to wash my hands. He was standing at the sink sqeezing his fingers fasinated by the fact he could see white tissue, completly oblivious to the fact he coulndnt get the bleeding to stop. It was kinda cool to see the inside of his finger though. He never lived down being a complete dumbass. Even the teacher made fun of him after a few weeks.
Off the top of my head of course.