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Default 06-08-2005, 07:48 PM

Originally Posted by geRV
Originally Posted by Milla
Originally Posted by Miscguy
Im not to worried, since the SDK is supposedly being released a few days before the game. Its also said to be semi easy to use. Im sure with a bit of fidling someone will come out with a realism mod to correct some of these issues.

I for one am going to look into fixing a few things, such as the improper M16 reload animation. But also perhaps damage stats, and the "holding" position for mounted weapons. Since it appears in vids that they hold the weapon with there two hands instead of putting it in there shoulder.
What does he do when he reloads? rack the bolt back like every other fucking game? Dont people test fire weapons before they do the animations. When you go dry with a magazine on a real M16 the bolt locks back to the rear, you remove the spent mag, reload another mag than hit the bolt release and continue to fire...not rack the fucking charghing handel again.
I don't see the signifigance in the authenticity of a reload sequence if the games all about arcade action. If it was meant to be a sim then yeah, but its not, so they go for one thats better looking as opposed to being authentic.
Gerv when it comes to accuracy on weapons and reload animations, im a perfectionist. I use the fucking weapon all the time, i'd like to see it actually used correctly biggrin: