06-10-2005, 09:07 PM
Thats medium... wtf, mine doesnt look that good going with some highs... guess i'll have to look at my settings. What resolution are you running? vid card, the ussual.
Overall its a damn nice game. I dont like the 12 minute thing but its just a demo setting. Commander mode was ok, but theres isnt much to do besides drop arty, uav's, and supplies. Then wait for them to "reload" to do it again. Nice, but not really my cup o tea.
I find myself unable to bind my keys the way i had them in BF42 meaning i cant fly. Everytime i try to configure them it tells me theres a conflict with that key/mouse axis in another section. Go to that section, and find no such conflict. Hopefully not a problem in the full since my setup is really ideal. I have however been a gunner, and did a slight bit of shitty piloting. It was very nice indeed. With all the heat seeking AA around you would think flying would be pointless. With flares and other distractions however, if you hit and run you tend to not be fired at that much. The AA is also very well done, typically 2 shots to anything airborn and its over.
Unable to fly ive spent a good portioin of the last 4-5 hours ground pounding. Im not much of a tanker but did enjoy romping around in those and they do seem to have a battle winning capability, unlike DC where you'll run into 358308 rpg's. LAVs can also turn the tide in the battle for a waypoint, but the buggies are pretty useless exept to get from A to B. Infantry weapons are nice, though accuracy and power seem to come and go at random. Sometimes you'll raid a a point hitting everyone and hitting them hard. Others you'll go in and fire a 30 rounder "into" a guy only to have him turn and shoot you. Sniper rifles may have some balistics drop or something as i found myself needing to aim slighly high. Iron sights are nice, but dont seem to increase accuracy all that much. The SAW was pretty useless even while prone.
Overall, the game is stunning, and feels nothing like DC or BF42. Which makes it a nice change of pace for those DC players. Definatly worth the download, and the cash in a few weeks.