Originally Posted by Maplegyver
i cant fucking make an online account
I had this problem so I turned off my firewall beforehand and it worked, the background of the account info screen should pause if its doing something, also make sure you check this:
Community Update - 6/10/05
Battlefield 2 Accounts Notes
Something to note as you prepare to create your Battlefield 2 Account, is that that a pre-existing GameSpyID account may impact your attempts to register your account. In order to avoid receiving an error message, make sure that you follow the guidelines below.
* If you create a BF2 account using an email address that is already linked to a GameSpyID, you have to use the same password that you used for that GameSpyID account, or else you will get an error and cannot create the account.
* If you do the above, and also input a nickname that is associated with the email address, the nickname has to match case-wise with the GameSpyID nickname, or you get an error and cannot create the account.
* You can create a new nickname to go with an established GameSpyID account, and it will simply add a new profile to your GameSpyID account.
ATI Cards and Battlefield 2 Demo
In testing the demo, EA has encountered some visual issues on certain ATI cards with the previous Catalyst drivers (5.5) and are working with yesterday's 5.6 release to discover if the issue is resolved. If in playing the Battlefield 2 demo you encounter texture corruption of any kind, we recommend rolling back to the Catalyst 5.1 drivers. ATI is aware of this issue and is working to resolve it.
I've not seen any bugs really, been havin too much fun with it dance: