Originally Posted by geRV
Its more of a matter or being able to run the game in a 64 player server with settings maxed, full fsaa, full ansio and keep over 60fps even with mass battles going on. At the minute i don;t really think theres a pc config that could guarantee that kind of performance. Take into account ragdoll effects, some of the physics, particle effects for the explosions etc, along with 64 players fighting it out and its gonna rape most pc's.
HAHAHAHA Yeah man I hear yah. Hrm, Lets say we put the graphics part aside (I will hit that in a min) but aside from the graphics, do you think that there is a good CPU and Memory combo that can handle the processing power of BF2? Because, if you think about it (and like you said) right now there probably isn't a graphics card that can handle all the aforementioned details. SOO, why I said to hold off on the graphics card is because Nvidia is going to be debuting its new gard. If I am not mistaken (which I prolly am) wont the new Next-Gen cards come with a separate Processing unit for the Physics engine alone? Meaning, it will take the physics stress off of the CPU and place it on the new processing unit found on the Graphics card. Well, its just my thoughts....I am going to wait for the next gen graphx cards before I finnish my PC. Was going to get the 6800Ultra 256 PCI-X...but gonna wait now.