Originally Posted by "9mm BeRetTa":3a3f7
Anyone here try the game with a nvidia geforce mx series card?
I am currently downloading the demo, but looking at the requiremenrs I don't think it's going to work.
Im running an mx420. I really doubt its going to work above 5fps but Im willing to try. I also have a 1.7 celeron oOo: but I am running 768mb of ram so well see what happens. If I can get anywhere near 24fps Ill be happy and play it for a bit.[/quote:3a3f7]
we have nearly the same setup. I only have slightly more processor power than you... and dude, it won't even start up. just cancel your download now and invest in a new card[/quote:3a3f7]
damn. Oh well. I already downloaded it might as well at least try to run it.[/quote:3a3f7]
Ok - now see. . .you got no chance. . .
But I admire your spirit.[/quote:3a3f7]
eh I figured if I spent 45 minutes downloading it and then 5 installing it might as well try to run it. needless to say the screen went black. I held my breath. Then the screen flickered and a I saw something, something about how my computer sucks, then it went to desktop and I just finished uninstalling bf2. Ill buy a new system after I get a shitload of money this summer.