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mR.cLeAn is Offline
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Default 06-13-2005, 12:03 PM

nvm - it looks hot, here goes a bunch of sleepless nights.

Man with all these movies you wonder if something like that were to happen what would you do ...

I really don't know what i would do ... i would use ideas that worked on other zombie movies and use it.

Like -
*Get as many (unbitten, unscar, healthy, familiar and hot and strong) people in a
*near a gun shop
*loot as many places on the way to the mall
*stay in mall as long as possible
*if posible triple fence the area like a jail or just get everyone to go to a jail
*periodical checks on the health of people .. first signs of becoming a zombie and you are out.
*perhaps head to high- ground like a mountain, building or an island?
*have the girl from Resident Evil with us
-probably some more stuff but thats all i got
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