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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 06-13-2005, 11:03 PM

[quote="St@tIc":1298b]Trust me when i say if this trial had happened in Northern California he would be locked up..But because it happened in southern he was set free..california is just scared to be the state to lock a black man up because they dont want to be labeled as a racist state...thats why OJ got off when he Obviously did it.[/quote:1298b]

Shut the fuck up - I dont know why you have a die Toobis avatar when you two seem to be on the same scale intellect wise -

The state had SHIT against Jackson. I dont know what redneck part of town your crawled in drunk from. . .but aroun' these here parts we got a lil thing called proof beyond a reasonable doubt - the state and Sneddon had shit but some half-cocked conspiracy tale 10 years in the making.

Get a clue and get outta here with that racist garbage. Each juror is coming out and saying "we dont care what we think of him personally - the state had no case" -