Originally Posted by "Mr.Buttocks":919d1
Ha! ^
I solved my AA problem by changing the AA settings in the CCC to 'Let the application decide' and setting it in-game. (Previously I had it set to 'off' in-game, and x4 in the CCC.)
The game seems tempremental or the cc is, i had it set the opposite way, then today fsaa was missing so i set it to app pref in ccc and 4x in the game and it worked. oOo:
Have you noticed if anisotropic filtering make much of a diff in game? Don;t really think ive noticed any difference with it on or off.[/quote:919d1]
gerv any idea why i just get a grey screen and the error report send to windows thing when i start up aa? ive reinstalled like 3 times, didnt help.