06-16-2005, 08:51 PM
It's been nearly a decade since we've had a male Prime Minister and we've had two different female P.M's in a row (Both of our major parties, National and Labour - Our 'Democrats' and 'Republicans' - have had a female prime minister in parliment) - I have to say, I'm pretty content with our government, and our leader. She's very good at what she does and constantly makes the right decisions - I'm especially proud of the foreign policy she has chosen for our country. I'll be voting for her, and probably The Labour Party as well, based on how well they've done so far. I have no major gripes at all about my government.
As a leader, there are just too many restrictions, too much red tape and too many other people with input for something so trivial to have an effect on a country as a whole(Unless you're living in a dictatorship).....So I hardly think if a female leader is on the rag, that she is going to start a war. That's just a misogynistic excuse.....(Not saying anyone that proposes the notion is a myisgonyst, but if you truly believe the idea with a calculated opinion, well then....)