Thread: gaming areas
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Tripper is Offline
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Default 06-17-2005, 09:37 PM

Originally Posted by "Mr.Buttocks":0074d
Originally Posted by Tripper

Isn't that a pain in the cheeks for when you want to put a CD/DVD in the drive?
...yeah really...[/quote:0074d]

To be honest, I don't use my CD drive all that often. I rarely actually buy software. It isn't a DVD drive either....
I keep it like that because when it's facing the wall it gets incredibly dusty, this way I can keep an eye on it....And also, with no USB ports on the front end, it's just easier for me to have it this way, what with all the plugging-in and unplugging of ipods, headphones/speakers, mics, cameras etc....
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