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Location: Canada! Home of fast beer and bubbly women... Wait, i think i mixed that up

06-19-2005, 01:40 AM
Fairly warned be thee, says me
Ok, so kids, who's ever wanted to know what its like around exam time for animators and 3d artists in the works? Its different than you imagine because we, well we dont do work. EVER. Not a single one of us. Not even that stuck up prissy bitch that everyone hates because she's fucking the teachers. Even she doesnt try to work. No. We got unreal tournament 2k4 running on all our macs about halfway into second year, so we effectively lost the capability to work when more than one of us was around.
Typically, about 2 months into semester, you get given your final assignment, and you hand it in in stages, pre-design, design stages, test concepts, etc. Well, for our finals, we really just kinda got "Hand in predesign, then we'll see you on the final day" .... which was awesome at first
But we're stupid...we all left it till the last 2 weeks.
This is our tale...
Exam week = Monday-Thursday. We begin work Saturday. Most of the gentlemen ship in saturday morning and establish their battlestations for the week. Myself and a friend hereafter reffered to as Ryan Howe took the time to say "Good byes" to our girlfriends biggrin:
This is before i ship out:
I dont look happy, but i just got laid so i'm pretty fucking lost, but you'll see the difference.
So from there, Ryan Howe stopped to pick me up, and into school we went. It was bad, there were already couches lined up near our room, people had already been in there for like 8 hours, and it was just past noon. Ryan attempted to find a more efficient way to bring our shit into the class:
Test results on efficiency are inconclusive, as Ryan was unable to remove the bag from his head and actually literally fell backwards and was injured before the week even began.
From there, we sat. We sat on computers, and basically stared at 3d models for 5 fucking days straight. Thats right, we pulled 5 days straight. By the end, we didnt actually have control of shit, we were FUCKED. We did daily runs at midnight to the local A&P for food and shit, but otherwise we were so sore from sitting we couldnt evne go anywhere.
On monday morning, Corey Harrison, seen below, finally snapped for step one. He began proclaiming that "We were true" ... like honestly, he lost his sense of grammar. We couldnt stop laughing. Howe managed to snap a shot of him:
Funny part is, that kid never fucking needs to shave. So much envy....
By Tuesday, i'd passed out in one of the editing rooms, so like i dunno, but i think pretty much all 21 of us had fallen asleep for a while, because everyone was in a good mood. We found interesting games to play with those who had longer hair:
The Samurai Bruddas live on forever.
Wednesday came around, and by about 6am thursday, we had all our shit assembled. Had a big scare when all the computers went down from a thunderstorm (had no fucking clue there was thunder outside...we kinda forgot about the mortal realm), but everyone's shit was good, so we didnt have any work lost! woot woot!
I handed my work in on CDs i printed out 20 minutes earlier, phoned my girlfriend, and she came and took me home. Apparently i was the most hilarious thing in the whole class, i was saying shit that had people rolling on the floor (how hard is that to do to people who havnt slept in what...5 days?) and when she came and got me, i tried to slap her and fell flat on my face. Dont ask, slapping is just one of those cute relationship things.
The pout is because the ground was like fucking marble. It hurt. She thought it was funny as shit. As you can plainly tell, i hadnt showered, shaved, even washed or put on deoderant in 5 days or so. I think i'm crying in that last shot.
School fucking rocks.
I would do it all again, and i'll probably have to biggrin: