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Default 06-20-2005, 01:50 AM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Milla
Ill tell you what, the battlefields are still there, and at night driving down Rt 3 out west towards the battle field (its on both sides of the highway) when it gets foggy out, its actualyl scary as fuck, i know a few people say in the fog they can hear horses and the sounds of rifles going off. Ive heard it myself once, its actually frightning.
Freaky shit - We have a place like that in NZ from the British/Maori wars - A hill with trench system that people claim you can faintly hear muskets and Maori Haka's (Maori war dance)....

I find this kind of stuff absolutely fascinating....
I hear ya man, the batlefield as you know of civil war battlefields are wide open areas, so fog settles in just nice, (ill get pics one day.) and if you drive down the road late at night, turn your music off, roll the windows down and just can hear weird shit like horses and rifles and a few yells.

Stonewall jackson died around here.

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