Originally Posted by Gh0st
Of course the tape is going to instill greater hatred towards Al-Qaeda... but FWB and his conspiracy theory suggests that it was made by our government as propaganda...
Where on earth did I say that was the case? A quote please. All I stated was that the tape proves nothing and thus it is
possible that the government made it. In fact, when someone asked if I thought that is what happened I was quick to make it clear that I was not suggesting it was the case. Sheesh, you really aren't reading my posts, are you?
[quote:e329d]but the facts point out that this tape was not fabricated... .[/quote:e329d]
What facts? There is no valid source what-so-ever that this is what CNN and the official claim it to be and not a media/government creation. Show it to me, show me an independent valid source that indicates these videos are what CNN says them to be.
[quote:e329d]If you can't find an answer either then I rest my case... [/quote:e329d]
Can I actually have a question first?