06-23-2005, 11:39 AM
Ya'know, I saw alot of guys get reamed real bad, but I never had a problem getting "good" advice and help when I was first learning...
Here are a couple tips that may help:
- Do the tuts. Find 'em, and use 'em.
- NEVER make a filter the focus of your sig... enhancement is ok, but don't whore 'em.
- Get the brushes and fonts, learn 'em and pay attention to when they should be used.
- Don't be afraid to try things that are not popular here. Some styles and techniques are frowned upon here, but can offer you a valuable tool in your work.
- Don't post everything you make, I sometimes make 3-6 sigs a day...but typically only keep 1 or 2, if that. Don't be afraid to make stuff for the trashcan, lol.
If you see something I, or someone else made and want to know how..or want some advice, feel free to use a PM, I and most everyone here will be happy to give you some tips/ideas/advice when asked.