Thread: Terrorist Tapes
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Default 08-21-2002, 10:28 AM

Originally Posted by Gh0st
Facts? The Fact that the tapes were found in Afganistan in a Al-Qaeda training camp... the fact that the tapes show top Al-Qaeda leaders... The Fact that there were 64 tapes found... the fact that the tapes show Al-Qaeda terrorists in training... What more do you need? Do you need to go there and see for yourself? Then go to afganistan...
Where are these facts? Where are you getting them from? Ohh right, the same people who released the video. No offense, but are you that simple? Like I said, provide me with independent valid sources that can confirm, without a doubt, what you claim. I'm very prepared to concede the issue, but no one has shown me any valid evidence. All that's happening is you're spurting out the same rubbish from the CNN website.