Originally Posted by Godsmack
No, I have to go... they are short on ppl right now with everybody on vacation... I work at a restaurant ... they need at least 4 ppl in the kitchen and there are 5 of us that can work right now ... and the 1 called off so I have to go
No you dont...you feel obligated...but you do NOT have to go...trust me man, I been in this situation before...and quickly realized...dont LET them get you like that. I know you feel bad and I know it seems wrong..but its not...this is your day OFF...you are NOT paid to be on call for something like this...if they short people...tell the manager to go work that shift...its their job. As far as you going to work today..if you go...thats fine...but demand some overtime pay like time and a 1/2...just something extra...dont do it for nothing....at the VERY least...work today and request another day you were on the sch for...off. Make a deal..dont bend over and take it. rock: