Thread: No F*in way
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Sniped Ur Azz is Offline
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Default 06-24-2005, 10:31 PM

[quote=TiberiusAD][quote="Sniped Ur Azz":40cbb]eek: Why does it matter? Anycase, I am 18 going to be 19 in July[/quote]
Don't get all defensive, it's a simple question used to estimate your likleyhood/abillity to get better pay.

I say quit and find a better job m8, your getting screwd.

I don't know your lifestyle, living arrangements, relationships, or country... but I'm almost certain you can do much better just being a HS grad & 18+.


P.S. USPS starts at $13.05-$16.75 hr.[/quote:40cbb]

thx man..yeah I allready quit working there about 1 week ago...not ONLY because I was getting screwed..but also because I am going to go on a vacation visit to see my dad and they informed me if I left I would be "terminated"...SOOO...I left. Need to find a better place anyhow. Just wished I had one lined up before I had to quit.
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