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Sniped Ur Azz is Offline
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Location: Houston, Tx
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Default 06-26-2005, 12:14 PM

[quote="LcT|Virus":a29b8]Looks like crap. i think you should put your lame HD into it. Textures need lots of work. and as for you final better hurry game is allmost dead. would suck to put in all that work and no one to download.[/quote:a29b8]

annoy: Your obviously someone who is not truly interested in giving an actual intelectual opinion towards my creation. Seriously though, if you think I am into this just to get people to download it...your sadly mistaken. We are working on this first and foremost for ourselves, our friends, and of course, the GREATFUL community. Whether or not you think it's crap is your opinion and people like you say things like that all the time, so being a modder I am allready expecting the few of you that do those things and have learned to ignore them. Thank you for your comments!