Thread: MoH:Vietnam 1.1
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MoH:Vietnam 1.1
ElitE3D is Offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Default MoH:Vietnam 1.1 - 06-27-2005, 03:04 PM

hello everyone, i know rhe modding community for mohaa is dead but loads of people still play it and download mods so we thought wed release moh:vietnam 1.1 after all.

if you downloaded the first on your may have noticed it was ridelered with bugs and errors.

Well not anymore there one bug i can count atm. happy: and we and trying to kill it off.

there loads of new player skins (14 i think), toggable fire modes, ironsights, new fonts, new menus, the loading time on the jetmap has been quatered, theres 4 new maps, a few new guns loads of remodeled and reskined guns, all guns now have custom animations to give it a fresh TC free, the jet script has been remade and there no more glitchly flying.
loads of new huds for every gun.
and a few things we are keeping secret so you will having something to enjoy that havst been spoilt.

should be out 1-2 weeks from now if all goes well. heres some screens.

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