06-27-2005, 04:53 PM
Ok homos. This is coming from someone who actually composes music. With all of the talk about techno being "easy to write", well it is in a way. I can go deep into how simple the chord progressions are and all that but I won't. You want to know why? It's not because i don't want to confuse you all. It's because you can pretty much sit down and analyze Mozart Symphonies and analyze all of the chord movements to a simple "tonic-->Dominant"....yes every hour of his symphonies can be put to that test, for the most part. Was mozart a genius? Figuratively speaking, yes. So this goes to show you that the "good" music is more complex and the simple music sucks. The Beatles have very simple songs, but they are pleasing to the ear. Music is more about emotion than text-book technical studies.
But all of the different genres have their difficulties to them in their own respect. Usually, someone that can write classical music (yes, there are rules of what you can and cannot write believe it or not....the theory is based mostly on how Bach and Mozart wrote and how they moved from chord to chord) can also do most of the other music genres because they are educated enough. Pretty much every type of music has been effected by European classical music...deny it if you want, but it has. So if someone is trained on the classical level, other opportunities for other genre writing is open.
I wrote a few techno stuff before. If I can find it on my PC i'll upload it. To tell you the truth, I really dislike techno, but there is an educational value to writing in every genre.
I hate when people call other music or artists "shitty" or "suck". I have an appreciation for each type of music. I really dislike rap and hiphop (sorry dudes), but I will respect all of the talent and hard work that they put into it. But I do understand that there are truely shitty bands out there...anywho.