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Hollywood is Offline
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Default 06-29-2005, 02:54 PM

Some very minor spoilers in the first paragraph.

The problem is some people want everything laid out for you on screen with an ending that ties everything together in a nice neat little package. A good director will let you see what you need to see, and let your imagination fill in what happens behind the scenes. You don't need to know what happens all the time with the military, you don't need to know the scientific reasoning behind the bacteria and red grass. You don't need to see every country duking it out with these aliens.

You need to appreciate the direction Spielberg took with this film, becuase the formula you want to see is a formula that has been used a million times, and is so unoriginal that movie audiences do not want to go to the movies anymore. Box office numbers are at a record low, which is suprising to me because the entire decade of the 90's turned out some of the worst peaces of shit films every to grace celluloid.

Part of it was Spielberg's fault, though not in a bad way. When Jurassic Park came out in 1993, audiences were blown away. The combination of action, adventure, and special effects created a thousand carbon copies that were hollow and unoriginal through out the last decade. CGI became the new standard, replacing character development and story.

Maybe it will take Spielberg's War of the World's and Nolan's Batman to show movie executives that big blockbuster movies can be made with style, character development, and story.

Not that War of the World's is a perfect movie, but it's definitely the best movie this year in my opinion, and the best movie Spielberg has made since Schindler's List.
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