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Default 06-30-2005, 08:14 PM

Originally Posted by Johnj
If no children are going to be produced by the union of these two people, why should the state condone the union?
So, people that can't have children are to be divorced immediately? "Hey, guys, I'm sorry your first baby died and as a result you can't have kids - But now you gotta go on and get a divorce, you're not servicing us in anyway now....."

....and those that decide they don't want to bring children into the world are refused the right of marriage? LOL.

Nice logic, mate.

Let gay people do what they want. It's just nosy-neighbour syndrome if you have a problem with it. It's not effecting you in the slightest, apart from the fact that you may have to see a union taking place once, maybe twice in your life. If that.

I've never understood why people are so against it. The only reply I've gotten, when asked, is that it will "change what my idea of marriage is" or some bullshit like that.

Divorces did that years ago.
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