Originally Posted by "TGB!":859ea
Originally Posted by Madmartagen
pretty sad how other western nations are moving forward without us.
And no government can "approve" marraige - they can choose to recognize it or not, and Gays can get the same rights afforded to Straights if they wanted to -
you mean civil unions? kinda like black classrooms, restrooms and drinking fountains isnt it? seperate but equal has already been deemed unconstitutional by the supreme courtin Brown vs Board of Education[/quote:859ea]
Seperate but equal doesnt apply here.
"Marraige" is a government program - but that doesnt mean a person cant get married. Anyone can go into a church and get married and be joined in union under God, Yahweh, Splork The Lizard King or whoever - but according to FEDERAL GUIDELINES such a union wont be recognized by the program called MARRAIGE. States are free to create their own State Marraige Programs though, and many do.
Seperate but equal created two lines of access to government services - Marraige does not do so, and should not do so. Anyone can get their marraige recognized by the feds - so long as you meet the pre-reqs. [/quote:859ea]
states are allowed to create their own marriage programs but the law says that the union must be recognized by all of the other states.. there is no pre requisite that says marriage is only defined as between a man and woman. marriage is every citizens right, and it is unconstitutional to deny a citizen and tax payer the right to such a public right. it is also discriminate to create an alternative form of marriage (civil union) for homosexuals becuase it is seperate from the common public marriage and is supposed to be considered just as good (equal). hence, imo, seperate but equal has been clearly established.