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Open thread to the mohaa modding community.
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Default Open thread to the mohaa modding community. - 07-01-2005, 11:30 AM

Is modding for mohaa dead ?

Major question but I personally don't believe so. though if you have been modding for mohaa for awhile it's a frequent question/statement. This is always brought up or better yet the initial statement is made more frequently by various players and modders nearer the begining of summer. Why ? People have a life, surprisingly even modders and PC gamers. If you've noticed also, come mid fall or so, modding picks up again (skins, FO, maps, weapons....) kinda a reverse 'spring'.

Is mohaa dying ?

Better question. I believe it is. BUT it's got a long way to go before it is dead and buried. MOHAA is the originator. Though a pain in the azzz it's still user ready for modding. Though a pain in the azzz it's been pulled apart enough that almost anyone can learn to mod with access to tutors. Plus; even if a modder get's bored or moves on, he/she will proably still lurk here and there in various modding communities to see what's there much like you may have an old CD of a band you can't stand anymore because you've moved on and the sound isn't doing it for you BUT if someone else asks a question about them, even though you don't enjoy the band anymore, you do enjoy providing the information. Everyone likes an ego boost.

So where to from here if MOHAA is dying but not dead ?

Look at the real world. Art immitates life. Most militaries have scaled down the size of thier armies due to smaller conflicts. This can be applied to the MOHAA community. For example, I have begun scaling down the size of my maps to allow for 15 total players at most. With so many map mods out there the next generation of maps are going to need to have great fps, great textures and something other than running around in a box. Scaling down the size of the map allows you to cover all these bases and still have a great map. Smaller maps, less draw on the engine. More custom textures gets rid of that "i've seen that bunker texture a million times before", the fear of more custom textures = larger .pk3 file size is of no concern now because the majority of players use some form of broadband and most hosting sites allow for at least 15-20MB storage per file. Not worrying about the fps and engine draw means you can have more alleways, rooms, etc. All this allows for a new option, more detail on the map look itself and not just the "does this look like WWII ?".

MOHAA goes through stages of 'hibernation' where there seems to be a lot less players and a lot less mods/reason to mod. Hibernation times always lead to a new 'rebirth' and a flurry of activity. MOHAA modding needs to move past the World War II eras and in my opinion, the 'specific battle/war' themes. It is also my belief that instead of attempting to mod for mass mohaa community acceptance, mod for yourself first, release and see what comes of it. Smaller mods means more mods. I created the south_philly map and posted SSs on the official Philadelphia Eagles MB. Numerous responses of which maybe 10% inquired about what game it was for of which I am sure at least 5% of that will now become MOHAA fans (or at least try it out) but they will use the mod as a base. 5% of anything is still enough to keep something alive.

The [BOfB] clan runs a City Nights guilde server. There's never anyone on there BUT i'm at least one player looking for that one time someone else joins.

Who knows who else is out there also waiting for something so they join ?
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