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Posts: 47
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: San Anphonio (Hell)
Default 676:BstBVSTW:Chicago - 07-02-2005, 06:56 PM

laid initial groundwork for the second map in the 676 Broad St. Bullies VS. The World series today. starting with a portion of the "L". it's going to be a predawn snow map set in chicago with a couple landmarks (chicago theater, chicago board of trade, the 'L'....) and again, will have 6 new skins (3 new 676 BstB and 3 Chicago skins). screens in about a week , full beta in about two, maybe sooner and then 676:Soho, London (for our limey friend) or 676: Atlantic City.


very basic layout of "L"
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