Originally Posted by Coleman
Music doesn't have to overpower the acting. That's not the purpose of music. Music is to give another edge, another flare of excitement, suspense, what have you.
This is exactly why there is no music through the opening of the movie.
I love soundtracks, I have a whole bunch of them, often they are the only kind of music I buy (Anything else I'll just download) and for me not to hear any music during the first part was an excellent choice, in my opinion.
I am talking mainly about the scene in which they discover the aliens underground, and the tripod comes out, and it creates a small earthquake in the process, and you see cars flying and people watch this thing that they've never in their wildest dreams have seen, fold out into this odd-looking tripod thing making weird noises and such. There is no music here because the director wants you to hear all of those sounds, and the buildings shattering, and the people screaming. He wants you to feel like you're actually there, watching with those people, wondering what it is. There is absolutely NO music until the Heat-Ray begins to fire on people and people start running and dying, and then the panicky frightening music kicks in.
This is almost the same thing with Saving Private Ryan, there is no music during the first 30 minutes of Omaha Beach , because it would ruin the realism and terrifying nature of the scene entirely. And there is hardly and music to that, either. But did it take away from it being a great movie? No, it enhanced it.
This is my opinion.