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Default 07-03-2005, 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by Blase
Originally Posted by Vance
Originally Posted by Coleman
I didn't even notice any music when the lasers cut in.
It's not my fault that you didn't pay attention.

Look, at the end of the day, it's a damn movie. I would hate to go to a movie with someone like you, who nitpicks every little thing down to the detail. You're sounding like a woman. rolleyes: Just enjoy it for what it's worth.
You gay, He's just critizing it AFTER he had seen the movie. I hardly doubt he was sitting in the theaters going, "OH MY FUCKING GOD WHERE THE FUCK IS THE MUSIC THIS MOVIE SUCKS I WANT MY MONEY BACK".

This is a thread to discuss/criticize the movie, and he's simply saying what he would have thought would have made it better. He's not saying that more music would have been the universially accepted opinion on how to make this movie more kick ass. So stop being a little dick about it and accept that mabye he thought it needed music, and you didn't. Big fucking deal.
blase said it pretty much. Thanks for saving me a minute in typing time. beer:

Vance, you need to get passed the fact that the soundtrack was just 1 small reason why i didn't find the movie 'great' like the critics built it up to be. I didn't feel like i wasted an hour and half of my life away; it's just that I wouldn't go back to see it again.

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