08-21-2002, 08:29 PM
To tell you the truth...No. The Australian Aborigines are trying to get the exact same thing, money out of a Government and people that had nothing to do with slavery. They are wanting an apology from our Prime Minister for things that happened, well, close too and over 100 years ago. He cannot say sorry for something he, and the current population of Australia had nothing to do with. As far as I'm concerned, the black population of Australia can get off their lazy asses and get themselves jobs, that way, they will learn some responsibilty which they have clearly forgotten after the thousands of litres of alcohol they have consumed and earn their own money like the rest of Australia. I'm not saying they are all like that, but where I live, in my city, it's all I ever see, drunk, bum looking aborigines. They need to get some self respect.