Thread: Tube Bombings
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imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default 07-07-2005, 10:10 AM

Guess they caught us whilst we were busy sipping tea, like most of our great defeats...

My sister is somewhere in Chelsea, not far from the bombings, I've managed to get a text from her that she's ok but communication is quite a problem as most of the mobile networks have been closed down in order to try & hamper any communication between the terrorists. London is a complete gridlock at the moment. All the main train lines are down & the streets are full of traffic which will probably hinder any emergency vehicles. The Army is also on the streets & there's unconfirmed reports about a terrorist being shot. A few of my mates are in London but I haven't heard anything from them yet due to the communication problems. It looks like most of the people who work in London will be spending the night there because there's no way of getting in or out via the tube or railways & all the major roads are at a standstill.

It seems we have been quite fortunate as the casualty rate is reported to be 45 with 1000 injured. Though I am suspicious as the bombings have taken place in a fairly circular pattern around the northern half of the city. King's Cross must have been nuts, it's a major station. I've been there quite a few times but it's not my usual haunt. The Southern half of the city, where I usually go, appears to have come out unscathed. But I think this may have been due to some communication difficulties perhaps, it would have made more sense to have the bombings go in a circle around the entire city. Fortunately no-where like Victoria has been hit. Though had the circular pattern gone on to the South I'm certain that Canary Wharf & Victoria would have been in the picture, these places are a far busier than Kings Cross & also part of my usual route, damn lucky I wasn't there today... eek:

I hope the terrorists attacks are over now because I hear Victoria is pretty overcrowded & it would be a splendid opportunity to ruin afternoon tea. eek:

Thanks a lot for all the kind Comments from around the world. I hope MI6 track those bastards & hand them over to a bunch of drunken football hooligans.
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