Thread: Tube Bombings
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mr.miyagi is Offline
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Default 07-07-2005, 03:17 PM

Today has been horrible, I've been trying to contact a group of family friends who live in London but no reply as of yet. They live in the centre of London and commute in the tube alot, I really hope they're alright.

I was listening to BBC radio 5 Live this morning at 9.45 and heard all the fuss about apparent power surges in the underground. I thought nothing of it and then out of no-where a tube passenger phoned in and mentioned a police officer told him at least 30 were lost...I was shocked and I've been trying to get information about it all day.

I always said it was going to be a matter of time and this is it. There will doubtless be more attacks on the way but today has been a terrible test on how we'll have to cope with these bastards and their horrible intentions.

I don't usually but I actually got a little emotional reading all the reports in the paper on my way home tonight, it was total panic and devastation.

Hope all the injured heal quickly so we can all get on with our lives again.
Those fucks won't bring us down to their level, ever.


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