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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 07-08-2005, 08:36 AM

[quote:ddaf4]If Clinton can get impeached for lying about something legal[/quote:ddaf4]

He didnt get impeached for lying about something legal - he got impeached because he lied in regards to a federal investigation. He could have lied about what type of pen he used - if it was in response to a criminal investigation then its a felony. That it was about oral only gives folks on the left a reason to say "oh he was impeached for having sex in the White House" - which is so ridiculously far from the truth - and really only the TIP of the iceberg regarding the mans activities (using the White House for political gain, allowing Chinese spies on the US payroll, firing government employees for your wifes friends, obstruction of justice. . .etc. etc. etc.)

[quote:ddaf4]Last time i check this is purgery[/quote:ddaf4]

It's only perjury - and I dont know that it would even be that - if it can be shown that is was "willful". If all that can be shown is that the President went to war with dodgy evidence, then nothings going to touch him.

[quote:ddaf4]Remember hindsight is 20/20[/quote:ddaf4]

Absolutely. Nevermind the facts that have come out regarding the OFF scandal - Saddam was NOT playing by the rules. Period. I know everyone keeps on saying "Diplomacy First!" - remember, this GOVERNMENT (no diplomacy doesnt reset when a new President gets into office) tried that. . .and failed. Numerous times.

[quote:ddaf4]So did Hitler but we never attacked him until Pearl Harbor.[/quote:ddaf4]

Who would have been around, or willing, to punish Germany for violating the Treat of Versailles? There was no UN, and the United States was VERY unwilling to get dragged into another war. This promise or a refusal to go to war was part of FDR's campaign stumps.
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