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Default 07-08-2005, 11:20 PM

Originally Posted by Vance
Originally Posted by Miscguy
I think the biggest oddity of the whole movie is the fact that...


Having placed machines under the ground hundreds of years before a town or city was built, why wouldnt you have just conquered earth back then? Why wait those hundreds of years when you'll have to "fight" for it. I can understand that maybe the population wasnt enough to grow the weeds, but why let it grow to such an extent that you come down and end up killing 60%+ of them.
Yeah, I questioned that too. In the book Wells just has the tripods and the aliens in them come down all at once.

The only thing I can figure is that the aliens weren't ready to make an assault yet, when they buried them. "They've been planning this for a million years"
yet they didnt take into account disease...

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