Thread: Stop whineing
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Stop whineing
Translocated Potato is Offline
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Default Stop whineing - 08-22-2002, 12:41 AM

I am tired of the dam whiners it is so annoying. if world war 2 was like what it is in the game all it would be is boom guy get blown up by rocet and the dead guy screams THATS SO CHEAP U STUPID NOOB ROCET WHORE.i dont use rocets but i have nothing agaisnt them its just the stupid noobs do and its really startign to piss me off whenever i go on a sever its all i hear just a bunch of bitching but the thing pisses me off the most is that this was a real war and people are useing it to bitch and moan all day for god sakes have some respect for the allies who fought in the war and not bitch about every little thing.
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