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Default 08-22-2002, 02:40 AM

The SDK is being release with the Expansion... ...

Remix, Did you not notice the 'suposed' aimbots. The only thing close to aimbots, hardly work, and only really log onto colors... which means u really aren't getting a step up.

The only way anything is going to be prvented is to get the community together. Thats all I'm really suggesting. I realize that stepping up and creating anti-cheats are hard as hell, almost impossible. But in order to have any form of community... we have to do something. Get EA's attention... AND IT IS POSSIBLE!

-- If I'm about to release an expansion to one of my best selling games... and all of a sudden the community for this game.. the people who ARE PLAYING it... say they won't buy my new expansion... I'm gonna take notice! No one person or clan is going to attract the attention of EA.. We have to do it as a whole. (and you know that or you wouldn't think about a petetion.) I say we organize ourselves and try to make ourselves known. Get EA to realize they need to fix this.. or they won't get our money. Now, don't you think we'd get some attention.

The expansion for AA is the last chance for the community to get anything from EA. SO unless you want to turn into the cheaters heaven... I suggest we do something. I don't want to have to give up MoH, for some punk ass n00b who can't frag on his own.

If you are willing to sit back and say.. oh... well.. its gonna happen anyway... let it.. Then you don't deserve to call yourself a regular.. nor should you be a part of the MoH community[/b]
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