07-13-2005, 05:51 PM
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Just finished this.....
....I have an interest as I ended up doing about 3 years of african american history (Slavery, Reconstruction to Civil Rights Movement), due to a school change (I repeated my junior year equivelent in a private school)....and also a special interest in this book as amazingly (finding out halfway into it), that this guy Tom Skinner (the writer: it's an autobiography) stayed with my grandparents (My grandpa was a baptist reverend at one of the most prominent churches in Christchurch) when he came over to preach in the 70s....
...Needless to say, I buzzed out to that......
Despite all of that, it's a thoroughly interesting read about how religion (christianity), when looked at in the right personal context, can really set even the worst people on the straight and narrow....I'm not chrisitian at all, it's not for me, but this book really put into perspective how important having faith can be.
I also read Band Of Brothers for the first time before that, and that is a GREAT book....
About to re-read War Of The Worlds, and then I'll probably read this book on the 28th Maori Battalion that I've been eyeing up.
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