08-22-2002, 09:41 AM
Two sides to every story!
1) I don't feel I should be forced to pay more taxes to people just because of thier race. Yes, they were enslaved by the Confederacy, not the Union. The Union is what is now our government, also the ones that freed the slaves. I also have ancestors that were here in the Early 1630's. (George Welker) All throughout my family history, there was not one report of owning a slave. However, I did have a few ancestors fight with the Union. The arguement is, blacks want reparation because thier ancestors were enslaved, and they want the people whose ancestors enslaved them, and helped enslave them, to pay. They feel that since they were in that situation, that modern day African American's can't get off thier feet. So they feel they deserve money to 'get off thier feet'. *Ahem* *Cough*. I would be totally willing to mentor and help any black person who would come to me and ask for help. As a matter of fact, one of my brother's buddies from the Marine Corps needed some help (he was black), and he didn't know what to do. I gave him my advice on what I would do in the situation he was in. Of course, he didn't listen because he wanted to be the 'Macho guy'. He didn't want to settle things as I, or any other civilized person would have settled it. He got himself into deep trouble, and all I can say is, I tryed. I will also say if he ever came to me again with another problem and wanted me to solve it, I would try again. Simply because that is all they need. Some mentoring to help them get out of the situation they are in. But, it's up to them, how much they want to get out of that situation.
2) Money would help if it was going for the right causes. If will actually be used to go to college, and pay for work outfits. I guarantee it will be abused by at least 25% if they get the money. But, would this help out the majority? I don't think it would, it would be just enough to help a small minority of them. You take away our money though, we will be the ones poor, and not able to afford college.
The point is, we don't know who the money will go to, what it will go towards, and how effectively it will be used. I wouldn't mind paying if I knew I could still stay on my feet and afford the things I need, and it was also going towards someone who will use it wisely.
What are the odds of both happening though when the government is in charge of it? Slim to none.
What are the odds of it happening if I was to mentor someone and help them out personally, and if needed, help them out financially? Better, but as in the example before, not always going to work.
I say those who wish that this bill would pass, try to help someone out personally before trying to push it onto other people too. Being forced to help someone out that you have NO knowledge of, well, thats just BS!