08-22-2002, 12:20 PM
Destroyed the whole fleet? don't make me laugh!
The only way any Iraqui anti-ship weapon could penetrate the AAW screen of 2 AEGIS cruisers (Ticos) and 2 or more AEGIS destroyers (Burkes) is if the crews were asleep or drunk!
Also Iraqui SAMs are old SA-3s and SA-6s, Soviet Vietnam era missiles.
Unless the US is kind enough to use F-4 Phantoms, A-6 Intruders, and B-52s against Iraq the Iraquis will not have much luck shooting anything down!
Our problems will begin when we enter their cities (to perform a "regime change" one must invade the cities). It will become an urban war in which our technological advantage will be practically nonexistant (lobbing 2000 lb. smart bombs in a city war means blowing up you own men as well as the enemy)