Thread: Slavery
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Default 08-22-2002, 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro
wouldn't you be better off without southern America......well some of the states, get rid of all the rednecks and hicks
Ahhhhhhh....... if only they would let the south go, man us rednecks would love that. Then maybe we could tax all those damn yankees tha retire down here and promptly try to tell us how to do things. Oh yeah, dont get me started on whiney canadians either.

Screw reparations. We already had a civil war over the whole thing and I believe it was our countries bloodiest conflict to date. Not to mention that it violates I dont know how many laws. It was legal at the time. You cannot punish someone for doing something that was legal at the time. Never mind that many of my ancestors didnt even get to the states until after slave times (not all, I did have relatives that fought for the confederacy and some in the revolution.) Some of the companies they want to go after have been bought and sold numerous times. Should you punish new owners for thing that prior owners did, legally, many generations ago? Hell NO!

It was funny, I saw on tv some of the "millions for reparations" rally that was held in DC (before my wife made me change it) and I think they had about 50 people there. More people were speaking than attended.
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