[quote="Short Hand":f8d94]body kit > no body kit. The funny thing is milla, "quite" a few of the guys who insult you for putting it on don't even own their own car.....some may not even have a license. happy: . The kit looks like it was installed with care, clean job. I myself saved up over the past year to buy my 2000 z24 as well. The silver paint = exact same as mine, I love the mettalic silver so much, the shine = mint.
This is what I plan on getting* though. [url="http://andysautosport.com/module.php?act=kp&line=Wings%20West%20W%20Type%20K it&cid=Ch00Cavali&brand=Wings%20West"]http://andysautosport.com/module.php?ac ... ngs%20West[/url]
In other news, I entered in @ the DBDrag in Woodbridge Ontario yesterday, I was placed in street and sub 500watt class, I was also grouped with the single 12's, I killed everything in my class, pushing 100w @ 4 ohms to my Clif D subs doing 138.7db The closest to me "in my class" was a pathetic 124.2db, The days winner was a 81 Rabbit, The guy wouldn't let "anyone" know what he had in his box, but he had 4 American Bass Amps pushing them

, He was metered @ 159.7db ed: . I ended up winning my class and advancing on.. I was placed vs my freind's optra5 with 2 flame compressions(he does not care about qaulity juju) and a US amp pushing them to their max, he scored a decent 143.2db, While I was able to hit a 138.1 in that round....Not really fair but what ever.... The Port wars was a different story though, I ended up placing 4th overall measuring 150.9db @ the port, The winner in this class was my freinds optra pushsing 161.2db @ the port. biggrin: . All in all a great compition, Loads of big players competing. RE seemed to be the big favourtie of the day when it came to numbers, 35 out of the 94 people competing were using one form or another of RE. Now...I know people are really annoyed by "loud" trunk rattling.. but this is anything but that, it is a bunch of bass heads going @ it, having some fun. Try buying a decent amp & sub, it will add a whole new height to music when driving. (If nayone wants to know, I was using the db Drag CD, playing from 40hz up to around 55, pausing, letting the sus burp, pausing, burp.. etc etc. beer: Have some fun with that puppy.[/quote:f8d94]
A 138 with only 100watts is VERY respectable, you sure thats all you were givin it? I dont know how the next guy in your class could only do a 124, thats a horrible score, something must be very wrong with that system..has no business in an SPL comp thats for sure...