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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
1st Lieutenant
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 07-21-2005, 09:53 PM

[quote="[DAS REICH] Blitz":7a25e][quote="Chronic Diarrhea":7a25e] It looks retarded when you're in year 2012 and West Virginia is the new powerhouse, yet their stadium still sucks.[/quote:7a25e]

lollers, for me, the powerhouses in 2012 are usually West Virginia, Louisville, UTEP, or North Texas (as based on playing the game for 4 years and having at one point faced these teams in the finals in each game).[/quote:7a25e]

I just fired up 2005 again to see who my powerhouses are, and Wake Forest is #4 oOo: happy:
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