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I need help with frames for HTML
Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
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Default I need help with frames for HTML - 08-22-2002, 09:46 PM

Since IM a newb at making a website, I need help on how to fix my frame problem. I can make the frame fine, but instead of making a link to go to the next page within my site, it just shows the whole damn page on the frame. Here's what I'm putting in my HTML for frames right now:

<title>Building Framesets</title>
<frameset cols="100,*">
<frame src="" name="Visit" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">

Note the thing is just a test to see if it works. Do I have to put <a href=""</a> within the frameset box to make it a link instead of making the whole page come up in the frame? Help me I'm an idiot.
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