07-24-2005, 07:28 AM
Seriously who the fuck wants to play a pacific theatre game? There are too many problems associated with making one the main one being the terrain never changes, its fucking jungle jungle jungle. PArt of being entertained by a game is not repeating the same boring ass landscape map after map, europe has destroyed cities etc, pacific has one thing, jungle. oOo:
Pacific assault had an amazing pearl harbor sequence i donlt think anyone would dispute that, it just got really monotonous as all fuck when each level looks pretty much the same as the last with the odd river or small village tossed in every so often..hell even the villages started looking the same after a while.
Pacific assault probably had 2 interesting levels, the tarawa atoll attack at the end of the game, and the pearl harbor sequence, inbetween all that was jungle jungle jungle jungle, jungle with added mist to make it look like a swamp and some very very sad attempt at putting controllable vehicles into the game with that aeroplane level.
We had the gimpy ai as well who did nothing but banzai charge and could actually spawn in front of the player. Then we had the bouncy flubber grenades that seemed to have all the properties of a piece of rubber
Id probably much rather play an enhanced version of allied assault with better ai, better graphics and less scripting than have the living shit bored out of me by another pacific theatre game. Maybe its because im from europe but when i think ww2 i think nazi germany, not a pack of wannabe japs with all their uber shitty weaponry.
Hell even ea realised the pacific theatre was useless and thats saying something, rising sun was meant to have a sequel with you playing the guy from rising suns brother and that never happened after rising sun turned out to be one of the biggest pieces of shit ive ever had the misfortune of playing. Only reason they still brought out pa was it was almost done.
I remember writing up a big long ass rant on pa but losing it, judas might still have it though.
Thats why im glad to see call of duty 2, it has a beach landing but point du hoc has never been done before in any game, it would be different if it was yet another omaha but its not. COD has surpassed MOH in every area besides graphics, but thats soon to be remedied in cod2. I just wonder how the morons at ea feel after firing the guys that made mohaa who then proceeded to hand ea their asses with call of duty.
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.