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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
1st Lieutenant
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 07-24-2005, 09:48 AM

MOHAA was the only good MOH game I've ever played (with the exception of the original and Underground, but that really doesn't count). Even Spearhead was worthless aside from a few fun moments in the Ardennes. I never played Rising Sun, because the graphics were worse than MOH and Underground for PS1, and in general it just looked like a horrible game. PA has some nice features about it, but the one thing that it probably fails in is it tried to be like CoD, where I think the old MOHAA style of gameplay fits that particular franchise.

CoD was a very cool game the first time around. Nobody had done a war game where there were so many other soldiers running alongside you. The SP was fun, but I could never get into MP. It just seemed to me that it sucked that you could run around the map in what seemingly felt like you were on a crack-cocaine withdrawal, desperate to find your fix. Whoring the map with the PPSH and getting 85 kills per round is really not my idea of fun. I'm old school, I still like the weapons in MOHAA, I like how it flows. Sure, the MP in that game seems disgustingly boring compared to cutting-edge games now, but I've yet to se a MP that felt as natural as MOHAA.
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