Umm......most gays do not "demands" the blessing from the catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Anglican, Presbiteryian, Methodist, or any other church. All the ask is for Marriage. Christians did not invent the whole idea of Marriage, it is a VERY ancient ceremony. Not something you can declare a monopoly on for hetrosexauls. I fail to see a single gay activists group ask for the Catholic church to perform their ceremony. rolleyes:
(Also note I
was a "PRACTICING CATHOLIC" for over 15 years since I was born. I know what it means and how much bullshit it really is)
-Homosexaulity is genetic, but not inherited" Heritable does not mean "inherited", so in fact Homosexaulity is a mixture of genetics and psychology. Your upbringing has just as much effect as your genes do.... or that is at least what current studies are suggesting in this ever so changing world. (of course any reputable genetics studys only concentrate on direct eye colour or your height). For the most part, studys are inconclusive, no one can really boast about the answer.
-Not quite proof of the gay gene, but a excellent read into it.
I found the stances section rather intresting
[quote="Is There a "Gay Gene"?":5fac8] Ever since homosexuality became an issue in the United States 30 years ago or so, there have been three competing positions on it.
Position 1: Homosexuality is a chosen "lifestyle," like vegetarianism.
Position 2: Homosexuality is a disease, like schizophrenia.
Position 3: Homosexuality is a biological orientation, like left-handedness, and is neither chosen nor pathological.
Secular conservatives tend to accept Position 1 and/or Position 2, which means that every new piece of lab research on the gay gene sets their teeth on edge. But say that science had concluded Position 3 was a matter of fact. There is no question that conservatives would suffer a short-term loss; it is always painful when you have committed yourself to a belief that is literally proved untrue, and enemies of conservatism would play "gotcha" for a while.
But what the Right fails to comprehend is that a conservatism unremittingly hostile to homosexuality and *truly committed to the resurgence of conservative thought with real impact on public policy can, and should, embrace the gay gene, which will bring conservatives two long-term gains.[/quote:5fac8]