Thread: 1 Giant Leap.
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Default 07-25-2005, 08:04 AM

[quote="Short Hand":40cef]Umm......most gays do not "demands" the blessing from the catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Anglican, Presbiteryian, Methodist, or any other church. All the ask is for Marriage. Christians did not invent the whole idea of Marriage, it is a VERY ancient ceremony. Not something you can declare a monopoly on for hetrosexauls. I fail to see a single gay activists group ask for the Catholic church to perform their ceremony. rolleyes:

(Also note I was a "PRACTICING CATHOLIC" for over 15 years since I was born. I know what it means and how much bullshit it really is)


you don't work in a church and don't practice your "bullshit" faith anymore so you have no idea the crapstorm that is flying around most protestant (not so much catholic) congregations. because you don't then you don't see the gay activist groups that target protestants specifically in order to have gay marriage sanctioned by the church, not to mention more homosexuals in leadership positions (on par with the marriage issue). most denominations are having to play damage control in order that certain groups don't split their churches down the middle.

like i said, i could care less how you feel about religion, im not forcing mine down anyone's throat, so i feel its only fair that i not be called a "homophobe" because i dont agree. you can call practicing faith "bullshit" all you want...that doesn't change anything; what you do and what you believe in your life is your business...don't try and make it mine. (its cool to be gay but not cool to be a person of kind of logic is that? liberals want all people to be equal, unless youre a conservative who believes in God...nice system you got there) why is it that when put up for votes, the majority of people in a majority of states vote against mandating gay marriage? because America is a bunch of gay bashing hatemongers? no, they just don't want the issue forced down their throats like it has been, and they don't think its a civil rights issue but a lifestyle choice that has been turned into a socio-political debate...until you can prove that homosexuality is absolutely hereditary, you have no scientific ground to stand on.

and all of those articles you posted still cannot prove that there is a "gay gene" only predispositions of it...who does those studies? all studies and cases are peformed by people, people have bias and reasons behind doing the has nothing to do with conservative thought vs liberal thought

liberals want everyone to believe they fight for the good of mankind until someone doesnt buy into their crusade and then they are labeled "homophobes"
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